Bicharan Kallyan Sangstha

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Message from Executive Director

Message from Executive Director

Welcome to the Bicharan Kallyan Sangstha. We are committed to addressing human suffering, reducing poverty, and fostering peace and justice in society. Led by a team of dedicated social workers, committed professionals, multidisciplinary experts, and representatives from the target groups, we pursue our objectives through collaborative efforts with government entities, NGOs, INGOs, community stakeholders, and beneficiaries.

In alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), our approach focuses on effective program implementation, knowledge sharing, impactful advocacy, research initiatives, extensive networking, strategic partnerships, and capacity-building initiatives. We strive to achieve measurable indicators outlined in the SDGs through these strategies.

Throughout our existence, we have significantly contributed to marginalized communities, firmly believing in the power of collective action to address social and economic disparities. By offering diverse programs and working collaboratively, we are dedicated to promoting sustainable development.

Operating across 42 districts and 4 divisions, we reach and benefit 232,570 individuals through 295 projects. Our initiatives encompass various areas, including Health and nutrition, Wash and hygiene, Shelter and Non-food Items (NFI) Projects, Education, Protection, the Orphan Support and sponsorship Program, the Child Development Center, Seasonal Support, Emergency Relief, and Livelihood and skill Development Center. Additionally, we actively engage in advocacy and awareness programs.

We invite you to join us on this transformative journey toward building an inclusive and equitable society. Together, we can make a meaningful difference for the betterment of all.


Md Rezaul Islam                                                                                                                                            Executive Director