Bicharan Kallyan Sangstha

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Bicharan Kallyan Sangstha

Climate Action

Climate Action Program Bicharan Kallyan Sangstha recognizes that Bangladesh is one of the countries most severely affected by the consequences of climate change, making it highly disaster-prone. The frequency and intensity of natural disasters are increasing, leading to greater destruction with each event. Rising sea levels, river erosion, salinity, and deforestation further exacerbate the situation, threatening […]

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Sumaiya Khatun

I am from Shyamnagar, Satkhira. I lost my father three years ago and he was the only earning person in our five-member family. Without his contribution, it would have been difficult to dream of continuing my education. I lost hope after his loss. Alhamdulillah, through the scholarship from Bicharan Kallyan Sangstha I found hope for

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We had an acute problem with safe drinking water. Our hardship for collecting drinking water knew no bounds. We had to walk a long for collect water. But Bicharan Kallyan Sangstha team came up with a tube well that we couldn’t afford. Now we have easy access to safe drinking water and we are really

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Ariful islam

We coastal people live through various natural calamities throughout the year. Our standard of living is not good yet. During monsoon, it becomes more difficult for us. We received a food pack from Bicharan Kallyan Sangstha, it is very helpful for us. We hope Bicharan Kallyan Sangstha will stay with people like this. We are

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